How To Calibrate A Hoverboard / Reset A Hoverboard

Knowing how to calibrate a hoverboard is something that all hoverboard owners should learn how to do as your board will inevitably require recalibrating at some point.

How To Calibrate A Hoverboard In 6 Steps (Quick Guide):

1. Turn your hoverboard off
2. Place the hoverboard on a flat, level surface
3. Press and hold the hoverboard’s power button for 5- 10 seconds until you hear a beep
4. Wait for the hoverboard lights to stop flashing
5. Turn the hoverboard off
6. Turn on and test

How To Calibrate A Hoverboard Step by Step 

Regardless of what hoverboard brand or model you have, knowing how to reset a hoverboard is easy when you follow these steps.

These steps should work for any hoverboard brand and model, although there may be slight differences in the procedure depending on your particular model or brand of hoverboard.

You should always refer to your hoverboard manual first and follow the steps outlined there.

Here are the steps of how to calibrate a hoverboard:

1. Turn your hoverboard off

You should make sure your hoverboard is powered off before you start the hoverboard reset procedure.

Ideally you should turn the hoverboard off via the power button on the board itself, rather than turning it off remotely via the hoverboard app or remote control (if your board has one).

2. Place the hoverboard on a flat, level surface

In order to calibrate hoverboard gyroscopes accurately the board needs to be on a flat and level surface.

This is very important! If the surface is not level the hoverboard reset will not be effective as you will have recalibrated your hoverboard inaccurately.

3. Press and hold the hoverboard’s power button for 5- 10 seconds until you hear a beep

This may take shorter or longer depending on the hoverboard model, but on average it should take approx. 5 -10 secs to hear the beep.

Once the beep has sounded you should see the hoverboard lights start flashing

4. Wait for the hoverboard lights to stop flashing

When he hoverboards lights are flashing it is an indication that the hoverboard reset is taking place and the hoverboard is being re-calibrated.

Do not do anything during this time, just wait until the lights stop flashing which should take abut 30 seconds.

5. Turn the hoverboard off

When the lights have stopped flashing it means the hoverboard calibration/hoverboard reset is complete.

You should now turn the hoverboard off via the power button to lock in the new hoverboard calibration settings.

6. Turn on and test

Turn on the hoverboard and test it to see if the hoverboard reset has been successful.

If the hoverboard has not been recalibrated correctly, make sure the board is on a level surface and try the hoverboard calibration process again.

If the hoverboard is not successfully recalibrated after following the steps for a second time, you should refer to the hoverboard’s instruction manual or the manufacturers website for further information.

How To Calibrate A Hoverboard Via Smartphone


If you have a Bluetooth hoverboard with a companion app you can perform a hoverboard reset directly from the app itself.

Here’s how to calibrate a hoverboard via smartphone

1. Install the hoverboard app on your smartphone

Hoverboard apps are free to download. For download details please refer to your manufacturer product guide. 

2. Place the hoverboard on a flat, level surface

Make sure the surface is flat and level on both sides. 

3. Ensure the hoverboard is paired to the app via Bluetooth

Make sure your board is paired with your app before proceeding.

4. Open the app and find the “Calibration” option

This may be under the settings section of the app. 

If you can't find this setting than refer to your manufacturers product manual, or visit their website for more information. 

5. Follow the instructions on the app

Follow the instructions outlined on the app. 

A Brief Explanation Of How Hoverboards Work

Hoverboards, also known as self-balancing scooters, are able to remain upright thanks to the gyroscopes inside the board.

The gyroscopes help the board to remain upright which allows users to ride and balance on the board without falling off.

The gyroscopes receive information from the tilt sensors in the wheels and send that data to the hoverboard’s main logic board. The logic board is able to decipher the data to know which direction the board is travelling in and at what speed and tilt angle.

The logic board then sends instructions to the motors to speed up, slow down, or turn etc. as necessary.

Click here to learn how hoverboards work.

When all these parts work together as they should your hoverboard will work like a charm.

But when things start going wrong, that's when trouble begins...

Why It's Necessary To Calibrate Hoverboard Gyroscopes

Sometimes hoverboard gyroscopes fall out of sync and require recalibrating. This is a common occurrence and can happen to most hoverboards overtime, including the best hoverboards on the market.

This may happen because of the knocks and bumps a hoverboard endures (especially if it’s an off-road hoverboard), or it may be an unexpected technical glitch that causes the system to get scrambled.

When this happens, it is important to cease using the hoverboard until a hoverboard reset has been performed to accurately recalibrate it.

If the gyroscopes are not calibrated properly than they won’t be able to accurately decipher the information from the tilt sensors.

As a result, the wrong information gets sent to the logic board which can result in the hoverboard responded inappropriately and doing the opposite of what you want it to do.

Instead of slowing down it may speed up, or it may cause the board to turn in the wrong direction.

As you can imagine these are not good problems to have, and can lead to hoverboard riders getting seriously injured or the board itself getting damaged.

Hoverboards that don’t remain upright or respond appropriately to a rider’s movements and shifts in balance are dangerous to riders and people nearby.

When this happens, it becomes necessary to recalibrate hoverboard gyroscopes as soon as possible to avoid any unfortunate accidents.

Recalibrating your hoverboard is also known as performing a hoverboard reset because you are resetting your hoverboard gyroscopes and settings to ensure the board works properly.

This hoverboard reset and calibration is an essential part of hoverboard maintenance and will ensure that your board remains in top working condition and responds to your movements as it should.

There is no way of knowing when a hoverboard will require recalibrating.

Your board may malfunction unexpectedly, when you’re miles away from home.

This is why it’s important that every hoverboard owner should know how to calibrate a hoverboard (how to reset a hoverboard) so that they can get back up and running asap.

When you know how to fix a hoverboard by recalibrating / performing a hoverboard reset, you’ll be able to resolve these performance issues by yourself, quickly and inexpensively, no matter where you are.

When To Perform A Hoverboard Reset / Recalibrate A Hoverboard


There are a few tell-tale signs which indicate when its time to perform a hoverboard reset or recalibrate a hoverboard:

  • The center of the board is uneven, even when on a flat surface with no  rider on it
  • The board doesn’t feel balanced when you stand on it
  • The board veers to one side even when riding in a straight line
  • One side of the board turns faster / slower than the other
  • The board does not turn on at all
  • The hoverboard displays a constant red light

These sorts of hoverboard problems are quite common and are nothing to worry about as long as you know how to resolve them.

If you are experiencing one or more of these issues than its time to perform a hoverboard reset in order to recalibrate your hoverboard and get it back up and running.


Knowing how to calibrate a hoverboard is important as most hoverboards will require re-calibrating at some point.

Resetting a hoverboard is fast and easy, and more or less follows the exact steps we have outlined above.

There may be slight differences depending on what hoverboard brand and model you have, so you should always refer to the product manual or manufacturer’s website for further clarification.

Now you know how to fix a hoverboard with calibration problems by performing a hoverboard reset, it shouldn’t be long before you’re back out on your board hovering around!

If you need more hoverboard troubleshooting tips and tricks, check out some of our other articles.

If you would like to add a bit more individual style and personality to you board to make it standout from the crowd, check out our guide on how to customize a hoverboard. is dedicated to bringing you the latest news, updates, and reviews for all things related to scooters, hoverboards, e-bikes and more!

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