How To Ride A Hoverboard – Riding Tips For Beginners

Learn How To Use A Hoverboard

Hoverboards are really fun and can give riders a real adrenaline kick, but you need to know how to ride a hoverboard safely before going full throttle.

Learning how to ride a hoverboard doesn’t need to be a long or difficult process provided you follow the basics.

Every rider is different, and some will learn how to use a hoverboard faster than others, but don’t let that put you off.

It may take a bit of time for you to feel 100% confident riding one of these self-balancing scooters and that’s perfectly OK.

The most important thing when learning how to ride a hoverboard for beginners is safety first, so don’t rush it. 

With a little bit of know-how and practice anyone can learn how to ride a hoverboard, even if you consider yourself someone with zero balance.

We’ve got some hoverboard riding tips that will help you learn how to ride a hoverboard like a pro in no time at all.

Our guide will teach you how to ride a hoverboard in a few simple steps but remember - practice makes perfect.

Safety First

Whether you are a child learning how to ride a kids hoverboard or an adult learning how to use one of the best hoverboards on the market, the first and most important thing to pay attention to is safety.


When you are new to riding hoverboards you are very likely going to make a few mistakes and have a few accidents.

I don’t know too many people who have learnt how to ride a hoverboard without falling over at least once.

Riding a hoverboard involves being able to balance on the device whilst moving, and unlike skateboards, both your feet remain on the board at all times which makes this a little tricky at first.

It’s important to wear the right safety equipment when you are learning how to ride a hoverboard so that any injuries that may occur from falls, bumps, or scrapes are minimized.

Here are the safety equipment items you should wear:

  • Safety helmet
  • Elbow pads
  • Knee pads
  • Gloves
  • Wrist guards

You can also buy safety clothing that has been specially designed for skateboarders and hoverboards users such as padded trousers and padded shorts, which have extra padding in them to provide more cushion if you fall.

Most hoverboards have LED lights built-in so that users can see better in the dark or low lighting conditions and to help others see riders more easily.

If your board does not have lights, you should consider buying a portable LED light that you can attach to your helmet or clothing to increase your visibility, and to also make sure other pedestrian or road users can see you.

Do A Hoverboard Check

Make sure your hoverboard is fully charged before you first start using it.

You should do a quick check to make sure the wheels and tires are solid, and that there are no lose screws or components anywhere on the board.

If your board has LED lights, make sure you test them to ensure they are working.

Once everything is in working order its time to find somewhere where you can safely learn how to use a hoverboard in peace without being too distracted.

Find A Suitable Practice Area

Once you have your safety gear on you should find an area that is suitable for learning how to ride a hoverboard.

Ideally you want a flat, level, and smooth surface when you are first starting out.

When you are first learning how to ride you should avoid rugged and uneven surfaces that have lots of bumps and dips, even if you are using an off-road hoverboard.

You should also make sure you have permission to ride your hoverboard there, as local laws may not permit hoverboards to be used in certain areas.

Put The Hoverboard Into Beginner Mode (If applicable)

Some hoverboard models have a level adjustment feature which allows you to put the board into beginner, intermediate, or advanced modes.

These modes give you the ability to limit the board’s top speed and increase or decrease the steering sensitivity, therefore making it easier or more difficult to ride.

If your hoverboard has a level adjustment feature put it in to beginner or learning mode.

How To Get On A Hoverboard 


Before learning how to ride a hoverboard you need to know how to get on a hoverboard safely.

I’ve seen many people step on a hoverboard only to have the board roll out from beneath their feet, leaving them to land painfully flat on their backs….ouch!

To avoid that happening its important you know how to mount a hoverboard in the correct and safe way.

Now that you have your safety equipment and have found a suitable practice area it’s time to get on the hoverboard.

1. Place the hoverboard on a flat, level surface

Make sure the surface is flat, level, and free from any obstacles

2. Turn the hoverboard on

You should never get on a hoverboard without making sure it is switched on first.

Most hoverboards have self-balancing technology that keeps the board level when it is switched on so that it is easier and safer to mount.

If you get on the board whilst it is powered off the self-balancing feature won’t work, and getting on the board may be harder and more dangerous.

3. Place one foot on the hoverboard’s foot pads

Start by placing the foot you feel most comfortable with on the board, keeping the other foot firmly on the ground.

You should place your feet as near to the wheel as possible rather than on the center of the board.

The wider your feet are the more stability you will have on the board and the easier it will be to balance.

4. Place your second foot on the board towards the opposite wheel

The wider your stance the better balance you will have when standing on the board.

You should avoid having your feet too close on the board as this narrows your stance, giving you less control and making it more difficult to balance.

5. Stand straight and maintain your balance

Take some time to get used to the feeling of being on the board and balancing.

You may feel the urge to bend your knees to give you a lower center of gravity but you should avoid doing so as your weight may not be properly distributed and the hoverboard gyroscopes may not be able to detect your weight and balance accurately.

How To Ride A Hoverboard

Now that you know how to get on a hoverboard and are comfortable balancing on it whilst staying still, its time to learn how to ride a hoverboard.

Here’s an overview of the basic hoverboard controls and movements

1. How to go forward

To go forward lean forward slightly on the board, shifting your weight so that it is towards the front of the board.

Your feet should not move - just shift your upper body from your waist up, in the forward direction.

This leaning and shifting of your weight and balance is essentially how to drive a hoverboard in the direction you choose, so practice going forward slowly until you feel comfortable with this.

When you are comfortable with going forwards its time to learn how to drive a hoverboard backwards.

2. How to go backwards

Lean backwards, shifting your weight and balance towards to the rear of the hoverboard in order to drive it backwards.

Going backwards on a hoverboard is naturally more scary than going forward as you can’t see what’s behind you, but you’ll soon get used to it with enough practice.

3. How to turn left and right

When you want to turn on a hoverboard you need to lean in the opposite direction to the way you wish to turn

Turning right:

To turn right you need to lean on your left foot, putting your weight on your left toes whilst keeping your right foot still

Turning left:

To turn left you need to lean on your right foot, putting your weight on your right toes whilst keeping your left foot still

4. How to spin in circles

To spin round in circles on the spot simply follow the same procedure you do when turning left or right until a full circle is made.

To turn in a left directional circle put you weight on your right foot, to turn in a right directional circle put your weight on your left foot.

5. How to speed up

A hoverboards top speed will vary from model to model, with some of the fastest hoverboards capable of reaching speeds of up to 11 mph or more.

In order to go faster when you’re riding a hoverboard you need to lean forward, just like you do when you want to move forward.

The more you lean, the faster the board will go.

fastest hoverboards

When you hit a speed that you’re comfortable with you simply stay in that position, and if you want to go faster you lean more forward.

Of course, you don’t want to over lean and fall off the hoverboard!

As well as leaning its also about shifting your weight and balance as you lean so that you remain stable on the board.

This does take some getting used to, but with practice you’ll get more comfortable with it.

As you get more familiar with your hoverboard overtime you’ll know how it responds to your movements and shifts in weight, it’s something you just “feel”.

Once you get this feeling you’ll be able to ride your hoverboard like a pro, and will be more confident with riding at faster speeds and turning whilst going fast.

It’s sometimes hard to gauge how fast you’re going when riding a hoverboard, which may lead you to riding at a faster speed than you think you are doing.

Some hoverboards have a built-in speed indicator which beeps when you are approaching the board’s top speed.

This is a useful feature and can indicate when you are going faster than necessary and prompt you to slow down.

6. How to slow down and stop

To slow down simply start leaning back until you feel the hoverboard decreasing in speed.

Keep slowing down gradually until you are able to completely stand upright, with your weight and balance in the center of the board so that the board stops.

You should make your movements as smooth as possible and avoid any jerky movements that might make you lose balance.

Again, it all comes down to practice, practice, practice!

How To Get Off A Hoverboard

1. Wait until the board has completely stopped 

Do not attempt to get off a hoverboard whilst it is moving, this can be very dangerous and lead to serious injury.

Wait until the board has come to a complete stop before attempting to get off. 

2. Shift your weight on to one foot

Shift your weight on to one foot and keep that foot on the board.

3. Lift the other foot up and step off the board backwards

With one foot firmly on the board and your weight shifted on to that foot, its time to lift your other foot and step off the board backwards.

Stepping off backwards is safer than steeping off and placing your foot in front of the board.

If you stepped off by placing your foot in front of the board the shift in weight may cause the board to move forward unexpectedly, leading to potential injury.

4. Lift the remaining foot and step off the hoverboard

Lift your remaining foot and again step off the board backwards, placing you foot behind the hoverboard.

Things To Avoid When Learning How To Ride A Hoverboard

Learning how to use a hoverboard can be exciting and fun, but you may find yourself getting a little too brave for your own good.

When you are just learning how to ride a hoverboard you should avoid doing anything dangerous that may cause injury to yourself and others around you.

Here are some of the things you should avoid doing:

Looking down

Whilst its tempting to look down at your feet when you are riding a hoverboard, you should avoid doing this. Keep your eyes fixed straight ahead and pay attention to what’s in front and around you.

Bending your knees

Whilst balancing on a hoverboard it may feel easier and more comfortable to bend your knees in order to have a lower center of gravity, but you should avoid doing this.

Stand as straight as possible so that your weight is evenly distributed on the board.

Going too fast in busy areas

Avoid going too fast in areas where there are lots of people around you.

You should always be aware of your surroundings and the people around you when you are riding.

If you are riding in a public space like a park, make sure you keep an eye out for little kids or dogs who may unexpectedly run out in front of you.

Turning whilst going too fast

When you are just learning how to use your hoverboard you should avoid turning corners at fast speeds until you have mastered your board and the art of balancing on it.

You should also avoid making sharp turns as this can cause you to lose balance and may lead to you getting thrown off the board

Doing tricks and stunts

Doing stunts and tricks, such as using your hoverboard on ramps or lifting one foot off the board whilst riding, are not recommended when you are learning how to ride a hoverboard.

Whilst it is possible to perform some hoverboard tricks, as a hoverboard beginner you should avoid doing them until you are a proficient rider.

Riding off-road

When you are a hoverboard beginner you should avoid riding on off-road surfaces such as sand, gravel, rubble, mud, grass, and dirt until you have mastered the basics of riding a hoverboard.

Practice on smooth, level surfaces until you are familiar with your board and have the basics down.

Then you can start riding your hoverboard off-road, provided it is an off-road model.

Do not attempt to ride a regular hoverboard that has been designed for smoother surfaces on off-road terrain. This could damage your board and lead to injury.

There are some cheap hoverboards that can be ridden on mildly rugged surfaces and short grass, but as a general rule you should only use an off-road hoverboard if you want to ride on these sorts of surfaces and terrain.


Learning how to ride a hoverboard is a skill, and like most skills the more you practice the better you’ll get at it.

When you are first learning how to use a hoverboard you should start by getting used to the basics.

Learning how to get on and off a hoverboard safely is the first step. Make sure the board is powered on before you step on to it to ensure the self-balancing feature is working.

Once you have mastered that than start by going forwards and backwards at a speed that is comfortable for you.

Practice your turning at slow speeds before attempting turns at faster speeds.

When you have gotten the feel of your board and understand its responsiveness you can start going faster.

Learning how to ride a hoverboard for beginners is a bit tricky at first, but it gets easier with practice.

Always wear the necessary safety gear when you ride, and make sure to pay attention to your surroundings and the people around you.

As a hoverboard owner it’s important to have a basic understanding of how hoverboards work so that you are aware of what each component does and can take better care of your device.

There may be occasions when your board malfunctions and will require recalibrating, so you’ll need to know how to calibrate a hoverboard to get it up and running again.

Once you know how to ride a hoverboard you will have hours of fun. You can learn how to customize a hoverboard to make it more unique and personal to you, and to make it stand out. 

There are no shortcuts to learning how to use a hoverboard, so take your time and practice safely until you get the hang of it. is dedicated to bringing you the latest news, updates, and reviews for all things related to scooters, hoverboards, e-bikes and more!

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